Tag Archives: bash


Nu inteleg de ce unele femei, care desi au mintea mai mica ca o nuca stricata, tin mortis sa-si dea cu parerea despre lucruri pe care nu le-au vazut, dar le-a spus lor prietena prietenului varului unchiului de-al treispelea.

[geek stuff] fires, EPO and datacenters

Acu vreo cateva zile, pe NANOG s-a apucat lumea sa se certe daca e bine ca intr-un datacenter sa ai un buton de EPO (Emergency Poweroff , pentru profani) sau nu. Discutia a evoluat si s-a ajuns la povesti cu ce experiente au mai avut unii si altii cu incendii, inundatii si alte calamitati in datacentere, si mai ales ce se intampla cand stiinta da nas in nas cu religia:

Povestea #1

While working at a distinguished university with a religious affiliation, I learned, as did one of the priest-biologists, not to refer to a piece of instrumentation as possessed. While one of the priest-theologians meant well, we learned what happened when holy water is sprinkled into the high voltage supply of a gas chromatograph. Beckman Instruments was so amused they didn’t charge for equipment abuse not under maintenance contract.

Povestea #2

One of the server rooms becomes unusable and needs to be rebuilt[0], so everything needs to be migrated out of the existing room and into new space — this includes a large APC Symmetra UPS. We shut down the UPS and pull all of the batteries out of both it and the expansion shelves so that we can move it with a pallet lift. We move everything into the new space and its time to put the UPS back together. I quickly decide that lifting large numbers of heavy batteries into the shelves is not fun, so I show the random helper dude what to do… “You pick up this big, heavy thing and put in into this cubbyhole type spot, then you connect this large connector and slide the battery back, lather, rinse, repeat…”.

I watch him do the first one and he seems to have it figured out… I wander off to go hook up some fiber or something and peer down the corridor every now and then to make sure he still has this under control. Surprisingly enough he is managing ok and hasn’t wandered off to take a nap or anything. He gets down to the last few batteries and seems to be having some issues, but I figure he’ll work it out, so I carry on with what I am doing… I peer down the corridor again and he is sitting on the floor with his back braced against something, pushing the battery into place with his feet… “Whoa, this can’t be good”, I think, just as there is a LARGE bang, a big flash and much smoke and fire….

Turns out that for the last battery he managed to get the cables caught between the side if the battery and the side of the (sheet-metal) case. When it didn’t just slide easily back, he pushed it really hard and the edge of the case chomped through the cable creating a dead short — this literally vaporized a crescent of metal from the case around 5 inches in radius, flung bits of molten case and battery leads all over the place and ignited the cardboard that we put on the pallet to soften it…

Povestea #3

So I’m working at this place that is really cheap… Our CTO believes that it is stupid to pay for electricians that have experience working in datacenters, because after all, power is power, right?

So, he calls a bunch of people in the Yellow Pages and hires the cheapest guy he can find. Said person arrives and looks a little goggle eyed at all the power stuff — I wander back in a few hours later and he is sitting in the middle of the floor reading the Users Manual for the UPS..

Anyway, he manages to run the three new circuits for us without killing himself (although for some reason keeps switching the UPS between online and bypass), and then starts walking out the door… He stops at the door, looks at the big red glowing switch marked “Emergency Power Off” — and then pushes it….. Everything goes quiet, apart from Rob got startled and dropped the shelf he was mounting onto his foot.

After we got things turned back on we ask the electrician what exactly he was thinking… “Well, I figured the light was on because you were running on Emergency Power…”

Sper sa va fi placut povestile :)

discutam discutii

De pe la inceputul saptamanii ma tot suna un nene de la o firma cu care avem noi oaresce business sa-l ajut sa repare ceva. Partea proasta e ca nu am cum sa-l ajut multumita unor oameni destepti de la o institutie de stat. Da omu e perseverent, mai da un mail, mai da un telefon, il mai suna pe sefu’ sa-i zica ca eu nu-l ajut si ca sa-mi zica sefu’ sa-l ajut. Astept cu nerabdare sa ma sune si azi sa ma intrebe daca totusi nu pot sa-l ajut :)

Discutiile sunt in genul celor pe care le avea coropratistu cu sefii lui:

Dialog telefonic saptamanal: Hi, Ion (el nu ma apela cu Antonescu), can you tell me the status of task no. 142? Pai, nu-ti zisei ma, acum 3 saptamani, ca n-avem licenta si nici nu putem s-o luam pana in toamna, ca n-au aia birou in Romania Well, it was due one month ago. It questions the on-going of our project!! Ce proiect, ma, ma lasi? Ala incepe in ianuarie, e totul snur, mai trebuie doar licenta, o hartie, ce dracu, toate testele au iesit ok. So, what do I write here? Scrie ca n-avem licenta da nu moare nimeni din asta. Can you estimate the revised dead-line? Ba, tu ai innebunit? N-a reusit Antena1 sa prevada cand primeste licenta pentru Antena3 si tu vrei data exacta? Can you provide me a percentage of completion? Continua el mecanic checklistul lui Hitler. Ce procentaj, mai, n-auzi ca n-avem licenta? Licenta, mai, li-cen-ta! Daca vrei, mergem pe hacking, si e gata de maine la prima ora! Da amenda o platesti tu! So, I will write not completed. Project in red! Scrie pe ma-ta! Hai, pa!

Da, viata de consultant e interesanta cateodata :)

d'ale votarii

90 de deţinuţi de la Penitenciarul de maximă siguranţă Aiud și-au exercitat dreptul la vot în această dimineţă semnând declaraţii pe propria răspundere că nu au votat la o altă secţie.” (citit pe adevarulonline.ro) Sunt curios unde altundeva ar mai fi votat dacă tot sunt deținuți.

cadourile si despartirile

Pe forumul de la computer games se dezbate aprig dacă atunci când te desparți de-o fată îți iei cadourile date inapoi sau nu.

Rezumatul e ăsta:

Cea mai mare penibilitate auzita saptamana asta. Cum sa ceri mah cadourile facute fetei inapoi?

Și răspunsul:

Cum de ce? Ptr. ca am suferit si o pierdere financiara, pe langa una emotionala!

Deci…facusem mai demult un calcul cam cat investisem in ea, in cadouri si alte cheltuieli adiacente:
-o adaptor bluetooth ptr computer 30RON
-un ursulet de plus 20RON
-un film pe DVD 30RON
-o carte 30 RON
-o pereche de chiloti 10RON
-facut cinste cam o data la 2 sapt cu un suc, sau altceva -cam 5Ron*20 de ori=100RON
-un avort -100RON(pe asta nu am inteles de ce a trebuit sa-l platesc eu…dar in fine…nu am zis nimic ptr. ca o apucasera istericalele)
-cateva zeci de prezervative-50 RON
-scos o data la pizza impreuna cu niste prietene de ale ei -40RON
-cumparat ciocolata, suc si alte de-ale gurii cand venea la mine acasa(5RON*50=250RON)

Hai sa zicem cu alte chestii de care nu imi aduc aminte ca se ridica totul pe la 700-800RON ptr. un an de relatie.
Ea in schimb mi-a dat un medalion, un mouse de computer, niste chestii aromatice si alte cateva maruntisuri care se ridica la maxim 30RON si nu prea mi-au folosit la nimic.

Dupa aceste cheltuieli m-am ales cu sex cam de 2-3 ori pe sapt. si o felatie pe sapt(adica cu totul am obtinut in medie 150 de partide de sex si vreo 70 de felatii). In general am iesit mai ieftin cu aceasta prietena decat daca ma duceam la curve de pilda, deci hai sa zicem investitia nu a fost chiar asa de rea.
Dar dupa ce am aflat ca m-a inselat, m-am gandit sa iau si celelalte chestii pe care i le-am dat(ursuletul, cartea, DVD-ul,etc.) ptr. ca valoreaza mai mult si sunt mai folositoare decat lucrurile pe care mi le-a dat ea mie. Mi se pare logic!

Încă mă tăvălesc pe jos de râs și tot nu-mi vine să cred că mai există și oameni din ăștia :))

Pentru cine e curios, threadul e ăsta.

de pe Y!M

Gigi Becali anunță că va face programul de guvernare ținând cont de ultimele cărți silabisite care l-au marcat profund: în fiscalitate, se va reveni la sistemul din “Punguța cu doi bani”, iar în zootehnie fiecare capră va fi obligată să aiba trei iezi. Cei care refuză să intre în Partidul “Generatia de la 9” vor fi convinși cu metoda “Zdreanță, îți pun ochii pe faianță!”.

[geek stuff] cum sa pui intrebari pe forum la oracle

1) do not use lower characters. They are just too small
2) do not give any error message, the expert will know what the problem is
3) do not come back to read the answer
4) do not say thanks
5) urge the readers as much as possible. Do not hesitate to write urgent as often as possible
6) do not explain what you are trying to achieve, the query is self-explaining
7) do not post create table statements, it is unnecessary to understand the problem
8) affirm that you know everything very well
9) never never never read the doc, it will waste your time
10) confirm to those who do not know it yet that MS Access is far better than Oracle

sursa: forums.oracle.com.