Category Archives: diverse


Treaba asta cu scrisul e dubioasa.

Trebuie sa ai starea aia care sa te ajute sa fii inspirat, sa scrii ce trebuie. Ba sa fii nasolit rau sa scrii ceva mai trist, ba nervos sa scrii ceva sarcastic sau bucuros sa bagi ceva cu umor; asa cam cum zic englezii: “you need to be in the right mood”.

Ideile principale se aduna ba cand mergi aiurea cu masina, ba in tramvai, ba prin troleu, ba prin metrou.

Noroc cu tehnologia asta ca poti sa-ti iei notite oricand, oriunde. Acum studiez intens ideea de a folosi telefonul pe post de dictafon, ca asa cu scris pe telefon imi pierd gandurile/ideile ca scriu incet si cum Murphy nu doarme niciodata, imi vin ideile cand am nevoie sa fiu concentrat si la altceva important, ca de exemplu condusul sau vreo intalnire din asta la care trebuie sa contribui.

Ma trezesc in cele mai ciudate locuri cand imi vin idei de scris. Si bineinteles ca imi zic in cap “aha, sa tin minte asta pana ajung acasa” si instant uit ce trebuia sa tin minte.

Oare cum o fi sa poti sa pui pauza la timpul celor din jur si sa fii doar tu activ? Sa ai timp sa iti pui gandurile in ordine, sa notezi ideile, sa le inregistrezi, sa nu mai uiti nicioada. Si dupa aia sa dai iar play la timp ca si cand nimic nu s-ar fi intamplat. Sau poate tocmai atunci uiti despre ce ce era vorba in timpul real :))

Ca tot zic de scris, am de prin noiembrie la dospit corporatia (3), dar pana acum n-am mai ars-o prin corporatii sa imi aduc aminte cum e pe acolo. Cred ca trebuie sa ma duc pe la niste interviuri corporatiste sa-i intreb pe aia de la HR chestii sa-mi termin si io textul.

the giver

the giver

Pretty meh: oamenii rai au facut totul alb si negru, au eliminat emotiile si uite asa nu se mai supara nimeni pe nimeni, toti sunt multumiti si well, totul e frumos. Si apare unul care vrea sa redea oamenilor emotiile si restul de trairi.

Parerea mea ca puteau sa-l faca mult, mult mai bine.

shakespeare in love

shakespeare in love

My story starts at sea… a perilous voyage to an unknown land… a shipwreck… The wild waters roar and heave… The brave vessel is dashed all to pieces, and all the helpless souls within her drowned… all save one… a lady… whose soul is greater than the ocean… and her spirit stronger than the sea’s embrace… Not for her a watery end, but a new life beginning on a stranger shore. It will be a love story… for she will be my heroine for all time. And her name will be… Viola.


Cookies – by Douglas Adams (luat copy/paste din feed-ul de pe Facebook)

This actually did happen to a real person, and the real person was me. I had gone to catch a train. This was April 1976, in Cambridge, U.K. I was a bit early for the train. I’d gotten the time of the train wrong. I went to get myself a newspaper to do the crossword, and a cup of coffee and a packet of cookies. I went and sat at a table. I want you to picture the scene. It’s very important that you get this very clear in your mind. Here’s the table, newspaper, cup of coffee, packet of cookies.

There’s a guy sitting opposite me, perfectly ordinary-looking guy wearing a business suit, carrying a briefcase. It didn’t look like he was going to do anything weird. What he did was this: he suddenly leaned across, picked up the packet of cookies, tore it open, took one out, and ate it. Now this, I have to say, is the sort of thing the British are very bad at dealing with. There’s nothing in our background, upbringing, or education that teaches you how to deal with someone who in broad daylight has just stolen your cookies.

You know what would happen if this had been South Central Los Angeles. There would have very quickly been gunfire, helicopters coming in, CNN, you know. . . But in the end, I did what any red-blooded Englishman would do: I ignored it. And I stared at the newspaper, took a sip of coffee, tried to do a clue in the newspaper, couldn’t do anything, and thought, what am I going to do? In the end I thought, Nothing for it, I’ll just have to go for it, and I tried very hard not to notice the fact that the packet was already mysteriously opened.

I took out a cookie for myself. I thought, That settled him. But it hadn’t because a moment or two later he did it again. He took another cookie. Having not mentioned it the first time, it was somehow even harder to raise the subject the second time around. “Excuse me, I couldn’t help but notice . . .” I mean, it doesn’t really work. We went through the whole packet like this. When I say the whole packet, I mean there were only about eight cookies, but it felt like a lifetime. He took one, I took one, he took one, I took one. Finally, when we got to the end, he stood up and walked away.

Well, we exchanged meaningful looks, then he walked away, and I breathed a sigh of relief and sat back. A moment or two later the train was coming in, so I tossed back the rest of my coffee, stood up, picked up the newspaper, and underneath the newspaper were my cookies. The thing I like particularly about this story is the sensation that somewhere in England there has been wandering around for the last quarter-century a perfectly ordinary guy who’s had the same exact story, only he doesn’t have the punch line.

+1 una luna

Azi s-a terminat prima luna de sport intensiv, cam vreo 20-23 de zile in total in care am fost prezent la antrenament.

In prima zi cand am venit am ajuns deja lesinat de la urcat 4 etaje pe scari si abia am alergat (mai mult mers) vreo 10 ture de sala pentru incalzire. Dupa aia eram mega mort de oboseala.

Acum imi fac toate exercitiile aproape pana la capat. Zic aproape ca la unele inca mai am dileme, gen alea de izometrie.

Si am zile cand pot baga circuit complet, adica numar maxim de repetari. Pacatoase sunt alea de-ti lucreaza doar o grupa de zici ca te bate careva cu ranga.

Overall e foarte bine, nu ma plictisesc, in fiecare am alte exercitii de facut, au grija antrenorii sa fac corect ce fac.

In weekend nu ma duc ca imi ajung 5 zile pe saptamana, dar imi fac singur exercitii cu gantere.

Mai am sa mananc si ce trebuie, iar la primavara o sa ies ca o flocirica de  la atata antrenament :)

E misto treaba asta sa te scoli dimineata si sa te duci la sport relaxat si dupa aia sa iti vezi de altele.

Nu credeam vreodata, dar ieri am fost plini de draci ca din cauza ca s-a lungit o intalnire si dupa-masa mai aveam una, n-am apucat sa ma bifez antrenamentul pe care-l planificasem intre.